SoftLayer 西雅图机房挂了,目前212受影响中
Date: 04-18-2011Start time: 20:00
Services Affected: Seattle, WA - Public Network
Device: fcr01.sea01
Location: sea01
Duration: N/A
Description: SoftLayer Engineers are aware of the sporadic packetloss and/or connectivity to FCR01.SEA01. Currently engineers are working on resolving this issue; however, there is a change a reboot to the router will be required. In the event this needs to happen, a notice will be posted here along with any other information gathered.
这个问题大了,是机房的问题,不是服务器不是服务商,只能等待 等吧。。。。等吧。。。。 :L 我这里丢包严重、、 没有那里的主机。 好像 恢复正常了 永远支持鼠窝~ 顶起!瞬间问题解决! 西雅图?最近的负面新闻怎么都跟这地方有关……莫不是风水缘故:o 我请风水先生看了一下西雅图的风水比中国的好一点